Knowledge Testing Board and Certification Review

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Edukacja Medical
Desenvolvedor: Jeffrey Berezin

Over one MILLION QUESTIONS covering ALL PHYSICIAN, NURSING, AND ALLIED HEALTH Board and Certification exams.


- Thousands of questions available in each specialty.

- Questions provide information you need to know to pass your specialty exam.

- All questions have answer and explanations.

- Questions are linked to additional online references.

- Missed questions are repeated.

- Take the test as many times as you wish.

- Final score includes a list of key words missed.

Products: Multiple-choice questions in virtually all areas of medicine.

MD/DO: ACLS, PALS, Adolescent, Aerospace, Allergy Ambulatory Care, Anesthesiology, ATLS, Cardiology, Critical Care, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Genetic, Gerontology, Hematology, Hospice, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Obesity, Occupational, Oncology, Pain, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical Medicine, Preventive, Psychiatry, Gerontology, Psychosomatic, Public Health, Pulmonary, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Nuclear, Rheumatology, Sleep, SPEX, Spinal Cord, Sports Medicine, Cardiac Surgery, Colorectal, Surgical Oncology, Craniofacial, General Surgery, Hand Surgery, Maternal and Fetal, Neurosurgery, Ob-Gyn, Ophthalmology, Oral Surgery, Orthopedic, Plastic, Podiatry, Reproductive, Thoracic, Urology, Vascular, Toxicology, Transplant, Hyperbaric, USMLE I-III, and COMLEX I-III


RN/LVN/NP: CNS (Adult, Psychiatric, Adolescent, Diabetes, Gerontology, Home Health, Pediatric, and Public Health); Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner (Acute Care, Adult, Psychiatric, Diabetes, Family, Gerontology, Midwife, Pediatric); NAPLEX, and nursing specialties – Addiction, Administrator, HIV, Ambulatory, Perianesthesia, Bariatric, Breast Care, Cardiovascular, Case Management, Continence, Corrections, Critical Care, Dermatology, Developmental, Diabetes, Eating Disorders, Emergency, Flight, Foot and Nail, Gastroenterology, Genetics, Gerontology, Hemodialysis, Holistic, Hospice, Hyperbaric, Infection Control, Informatics, Infusion, Lactation, Neonatal, Managed Care, Maternal Newborn, Medical Surgical, Nephrology, Neuroscience, Occupational, Oncology, Operating Room, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Ostomy, ENT, Pain, Pediatric, Perinatal, Peritoneal Dialysis, Plastic Surgery, Professional Development, Professional Quality, Progressive Care, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Risk Management, School Nurse, SANE, Transplant, Transport, Trauma, Urologic, and Wound

Allied: Anesthesia, Apheresis, Athletic, Audiology, Cardiovascular, Clinical Nutrition, Medical Assistant, Nursing Assistant, Chiropractic, Neuropsychology, Dialysis, Dietician, ECG, EKG, EMT-B, -I, -P, Massage, Medical Administration and Billing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Psychology, Radiology Technologist, Respiratory Therapy, Social Work, Speech Pathology and Surgical Technologist

Dental: NBDE Part I

Updates: Sync your app and receive the updated version of board and certification questions. Comments are evaluated daily and user input results in updated board and certification questions within 5 days.

Authors/Editors: Board and certification questions, answers and explanations have been developed by over 1,000 health professionals to provide a comprehensive rapid self-evaluation of the topics covered on board and certification exams.

Mission: Board and certification questions have been developed to help you pass. We do this by providing educationally sound questions written by leading educators that have passed the board and certification exams.

Contact: For issues related to board and certification content, becoming a contributor, problems with the app or to request a refund, please call 315-849-5100 or email [email protected].

KnowledgeTesting, LLC